The pandemic’s made healthcare a popular career aspiration among children

According to the Ellie Sparkles Show, 26% of children ages 5-8 want to be doctors.

(Great news for medical schools.)

The next biggest career choice is a teacher (go figure) followed closely by a Scientist at 12%.

So STEM does well.

But there are a lot of creative careers highlighted too:

  • Actor

  • Artist

  • Dancer

  • Musician

Interestingly, being a creator (YouTuber, TikToker, Vlogger) comes in at no.4 with Influencer at no.11.

Kids know the difference!

If you’re involved in school outreach, the obvious insight is to prioritise your medicine offer.

The demand is there.

But don’t rule out appealing to artists:

A greater number of children (28%) want to be creators, singers or actors.

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